UNICEF CLUB 讓學生們認識了何謂兒童權益以及可持續發展在全球的重要性,獲益甚豐。策劃校內活動的經驗亦啟發及鼓勵了同學以全球公民的角度作出行動,讓他們明白自己的小改變足以決定全人類的未來,使他們更關心全球議題,積極參與全球運動,成為推動世界改變的領袖。
The UNICEF Club supported student-initiated activities to raise schoolmates’ awareness of children’s rights. I believe it’s a mission we should uphold – sow the seeds of love and care so children can realize their potential to the full.
Those activities organized by the UNICEF CLUB not only encourage our students to show their concern about the community, but also arouse their awareness of
the underprivileged children around the world. This is a great opportunity for our students to reflect upon their own life, and learn to be a global citizen.
the underprivileged children around the world. This is a great opportunity for our students to reflect upon their own life, and learn to be a global citizen.